Following last weeks headlines this weeks Cyber Bits is a comparably less exciting, but it’s been far from a slow new week in Cybersecurity.
Ransomware group Lockbit are back at work
Link: Bleeping Computer
After last weeks successes by law enforcement it appears that ransomeware group Lockbit are back up and running with new infrastructure. This demonstrates the difficult job that law enforcement has in shutting these organizations down.
CISA Warns of Windows Streaming Service Vulnerability Exploitation
Link: Security Week
This vulnerability, which was patched in June last year, is reported by CISA as being actively exploited. If you’ve ever wondered why it’s so important to keep your systems patched, he’s another example.
Agency warns of Ubiquiti Edgerouters being actively exploited
Links: The Hacker News Advisory
Default or weak credentials are never good, and here’s another example. APT28 are leveraging weak or default credentials on Edgerouters “to facilitate covert cyber operations and drop custom malware for follow-on exploitation”. If you’re using a Ubiquiti Edgerouter you should consult the advisory, linked above.
UK Unveils Draft Cybersecurity Governance Code to Boost Business Resilience
Link: Infosecurity Magazine
From the article; “The UK Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) has revealed what its future Cybersecurity Governance Code of Practice will look like and the five principals it will include.” From a Cayman perspective, this makes for interesting reading, and makes us wonder if something similar would make sense for the Cayman Islands for those organizations that don’t fall under the CIMA regulations.